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Avoiding Political Labels

Avoiding Political Labels

By Fr. Jerry Pokorsky ( bio - articles - email ) | Sep 23, 2020

Each of us is unique. We naturally don’t like others to pigeonhole us, to fix us with superficial labels.

In an election year, it is unfair to suggest that thinking members of any political party agree with the entire party platform. This, in a nutshell, is the reason why it may be unfair to condemn as immoral the policy positions of individual members of a certain political party. As the old joke has it, do not allow 95% of lawyers (or doctors, politicians, or clergymen) to give the rest a bad name.

We priests are told that we cannot suggest that voting for members of a specific political party is morally off-limits, just because the party dogmatically holds abortion as a human right. There are always exceptions to that party line, we are reminded. Members of that party dodge criticism by deftly parsing the nuances of platform positions.

During the Second Vatican Council, the bishops did not formally condemn Communism by name. Probably that was because there were many Marxist theorists on hand, who would have objected to any negative characterization of Communist ideology. Still, those with the eyes to see could recognize the ideologies that the Council Fathers did condemn.

So, in the “spirit of Vatican II,” and for purposes of illustration, here is a lexicon for a purely hypothetical American political party: a party whose purposes would be so evidently evil that no Catholic could vote for its candidates without being guilty of grave sin.

A woman’s right to choose: Abortion

Reproductive freedom: Abortion

Unalienable human right: Abortion

Progressive: Pro-abortion

Inclusive: Abortion for everyone

Science: Evidence providing the right to abortion

Qualified nominee to the Supreme Court: A jurist with known pro-abortion sentiments

Sex education: Teaching children about abortion

Change: Enacting pro-abortion legislation

Compassion: Free abortion

Climate change: The result of restricting abortions

Racism: Restricting access to abortion

Racist: Someone who opposes abortion for all people

Planned Parenthood (1): An organization that specializes in providing abortion to women of color

Planned Parenthood (2): Abortion-industrial complex

Single issue voter: Someone for whom opposition to abortion is the primary issue

Crossing the aisle: Cooperating with pro-abortion politicians in the opposing party

Compromise: Ensuring the right to abortion remains in a piece of legislation

Budget cut: Defunding abortion

Divisive: Speaking ill of abortion

Hypocrisy: Opposition to abortion

Judgmental: Calling abortion a sin

Moderate: One who rejects socialism but is pro-abortion

Poor: People in need of free abortion

Bipartisan: Funding Planned Parenthood abortion facilities

Ultra-conservative: People who oppose abortion

Fundamentalist: Bible-believing people who oppose abortion

The herd mentality: Organized opposition to abortion

Mainstream media: Pro-abortion media personalities

Common ground: United in pro-abortion advocacy

Diversity: Multi-cultural abortion advocacy

Alt-right media: Networks that permit anti-abortion media personalities

New World Order: International abortion rights

Shipping lanes: Delivering abortion fetal material to the world

Abortion: A very lucrative human trafficking business

Dystopia: A world without abortion

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